Donnerstag, 4. Juli 2013

Trying to FLY again...

Preparing a bulgur salad 

A relatively clean kitchen, imagine that!

Healthy lunch, bulgur salad, leftover chickpeas, olives and dates

For years I have been trying to get my home under control. Still, I always had loads of dirty laundry, the kitchen was a mess and menu planning a long distance goal. Yesterday, we came home late, had a quick dinner and went to bed soon. When I came in the kitchen this morning, it was a mess! I said to myself: "This is enough!"
We had to leave for school and work later than usual this morning, so after Hubby had left for work, I quickly unloaded and re-loaded the dishwasher and handwashed a few pots. 15 minutes later, everything was clean again. And I asked myself, why I had not done this the night before. My morning tea would have been much sweeter without this mess! So, from today on, I'll continue with my basic rules, but combine them also with FLYlady-priciples. They are already mixed up a bit, so this will not be too much.  Enough with letting the house run me, time to actively run the house myself. Tonight, after dinner, I prepared lunch for the next day and cleaned the kitchen. Again, only fifteen minutes, and everything was clean and I still had enough time to relax on the sofa. And I'll have a healthy lunch at work...
Let's see how long I will keep up with this!!

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