Samstag, 15. Juni 2013

If Momma ain't happy...

Can you guess what we did today? -Berry picking!!!

The last few days have been very hectic over here. Husband will leave tomorrow for a two week visit with his mother. So these last three days were filled with washing and ironing his clothes, searching for his things and shopping for presents for the family.
As usually, I was feeling cranky and overwhelmed while trying to go to work, do the shopping, trying to keep on top of the laundry (failed...) and taking care of a child with a bad cold.
Friday afternoon, while waiting for the pizza dough to rise, I poured myself a cup of tea and started thinking about those everyday problems, you know, those little things that keep the days from running smoothly.
I have been a "Flybaby" for quite some years now, and I am really "flywashed" when it comes to homework. (If you are not familiar with the Flylady-Concept, check out her website at
I came up with ten basic rules for everyday, and these are really inspired by the principles of Flylady...

These are my basic everyday rules:

1) Drink enough water, 8 glasses per day! I always forget to drink during the day...
2) Eat healthily. I will try to have the recommended five portions of fruit and veggies every day...
3) Menu plan and planned lunches. As I work all day, eating a proper lunch is so important.
4) Move for at least 15 minutes a day. Oh, this will be so hard for me...
5) Check calender every night and morning. Another thing I always forget!
6) Quick kitchen clean-up every night. I love to see a clean kitchen in the morning.
7) Lay out clothes the night before. Have tried for years, always failed.
8) Load the iPhone every evening.
9) 15 minutes decluttering every day!!
10) Use handcream every night. I am not getting younger...

I will start following these rules on Monday, let's see how it works. Now that I have written them down and put them on the blog, I really have to put them to work...
Do you have any secrets how to make your days run smoothly??


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